Global Liquidity Provider

Trading that ranges from blue chips to micro caps

As part of the SSW Group, we provide liquidity of various liquidity classes in equities and ETFs. Based in Germany, we operate globally and trade across all time zones on various exchanges worldwide.

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Careers at SSW

Our success is due to our employees. We want to hear from candidates who share our passion for finance and technology. In return, we offer a unique corporate culture and a multitude of development opportunities.

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SSW at a glance
  • 30.000 financial instruments
  • 100 employees
  • 30 trading venues
  • 5 continents
  • 1 goal: success


As a member of FIA EPTA, we are proud to support the #WeAreMarketMakers campaign to promote better understanding of modern market making, what it does and how it benefits the wider world.

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