From a
to one of
Europe’s leading algo-traders
Step by step to success
2018 - 2022
Dezember 2022Creation of SSW Group structure through successful contribution of SSW-Trading to the holding company
October 2021Subsidiary SSW Market Making merged with SSW-Trading
July 2020Start of trading in Canada
December 2019Extending SSW technology stack to cloud platforms and services
November 2019Start of trading in Africa
October 2019Start of trading via request-for-quote function (RFQ)
September 2019 Integration of machine learning technology (AI) in the global trading algorithms
April 2019Regulatory approval from the Financial Services Agency (FSA) to operate as a high-frequency trader (HFT) in Japan
February 2018Start of bond trading
February 2018Start of trading as a systematic internaliser
2014 - 2017
August 2017Start of trading in Australia
February – November 2017All EU trading activities migrated to the regulated subsidiary for MiFID II
September 2016First trades executed under the licence
September 2015German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) grants licence for financial services
May 2015Subsidiary SSW Market Making GmbH founded, with a view to MiFID II
April 2014Ten-year anniversary of SSW-Trading (which now has more than 60 employees)
March 2014Subsidiary IAT merged with SSW
2007 - 2013
June 2011Joins FIA EPTA (European Principal Traders Association)
May 2011Start of trading in Asia
April 2011Trading expanded to include futures
October 2010Europe-wide scaling of ETF trading
August 2010Sale of Chi-X shares to BATS
December 2009Participation in Chi-x jumpball to acquire shares
July – September 2009Trading expanded through memberships of various European stock exchanges
January 2008Scaling of stock trading into Europe (by joining the Chi-X and Turquoise MTFs)
November 2007Start of ETF trading
September 2007Company moves to Oststeinbek (just outside Hamburg)
May 2007IAT International Algorithmic Trading GmbH founded as a wholly owned subsidiary of SSW, operational trading activities transferred to IAT
June 2004First trades of DAX stocks on Xetra
April 2004SSW-Trading GmbH founded